To help your school, university or student housing save their space, time and environment and achieve a significant volume reduction of recyclables and waste products, please contact us at 1.800.423.4003 or fill out our online form for a free quote.
Vertical Trash Compactors
Our line of three Vertical Trash Compactors are designed for years of heavy duty use for many different industries. They achieve high compaction ratios which can save your business time and money.
Industrial Paper Shredders
Strip Cut
Our Industrial Paper Shredders – Strip Cut are available in multiple horsepower models for various shredding capacities.
Industrial Hard Drive & eWaste Shredders
These industrial hard drive shredders will shred most standard rotary hard drives up to 1″ thick, in addition to backup tapes, DVD’s and assorted e-waste. These shredders may be stationary or placed in trucks for mobile hard drive shredding.
Glass Crushers
Through our line of ten Glass Crushers, we provide solutions to most industries including bars, restaurants, laboratories, recycling centers, hotels, casinos and many more.
Can Crushers
No matter the size of your business or operation, we have a Can Crusher solution that will fit your needs. Our rugged and easy to operate Can Crushers are ideal to reduce your can volume while saving your business money.
The Power Krush™ Manual Can Crusher is designed to crush empty #10 and 1 gallon cans. This rugged, heavy duty crusher will reduce can volume by up to 80%. The Power Krush™ is simple to operate and is a MONEY and space saver.
Vertical Balers
With a line of twenty Vertical Balers, you’re sure to find the model that’s perfect for your business or facility.
Large Trash Compactors – X-PRESS PACK SERIES
This compact self-contained large compactor unit offers liquid tight containment in a compact size for space limitations.
LargeTrash Compactors – MODEL CV SERIES
The CV line of vertical compactors are designed to save space and eliminate the need for multiple front load containers.
Large Trash Compactors – VCH SERIES
Four side loading options …five container options…all in one unit! The VCH line of vertical compactors are designed to allow customized loading options along with versatility in container sizes allowing for volume growth without changing compactors.