The Recycling Sorter is located under the trash chute. Using a control panel located at each chute infeed door, the user selects the appropriate waste stream. Based on this selection, the sorter system automatically positions one or more deflector plates which directs the waste into either the compactor or the specified recycling container.
Manual system control | Systems with one or two recycling positions are available |
Standard componentry for ease of maintenance | Readily available 96 gallon toters are used to hold the recyclables |
Interfaces with the trash chute door lockout system so only one user at a time can utilize the sorter | Quick system response time when changing waste streams |
Easy-to-use control station at each trash door | Full function master control station located at sorter for use by operator |
Recycling container “Full” indication | 1/4″ thick steel body; ½” thick aluminum diverter plate |
Low voltage D.C. control power for user safety |